West Gordon Parish Church of Scotland

Alford, Strathdon & Rhynie


General Data Protection Arrangements

West Gordon Parish Church will take its responsibilities under Data Protection legislation seriously, and will only keep your information for legitimate purposes.

The Data Protection Officer for West Gordon is: Audrey Emsley secretary@westgordonparishchurch.org.uk



All congregations of the Church of Scotland are registered as charities in Scotland under the supervision of the Office of the Scottish Charities Regulator (OSCR).  We are required to keep a record of all individuals who undertake “regulated work” with children and with vulnerable adults, and they are required to undertake training in safeguarding.  In addition, all elders are trustees of the local congregation under charity law, and as such are required to undertake training on safeguarding issues.

The Safeguarding Coordinator for West Gordon is:  Mrs Elaine Hughes, safeguarding@westgordonparishchurch.org.uk


Whistleblowing Policy

As part of the Church of Scotland, West Gordon is committed to the principles of openness, probity and accountability, and will adopt a whistleblowing policy in line with the requirements of the national church.