West Gordon Parish Church of Scotland

Alford, Strathdon & Rhynie

Giving To The Church

With the merger of our four congregations, our congregation will require significant financial support from our members to pay for staffing, to cover the costs of our remaining buildings, and to engage in God’s mission within our community and to the wider world.

We invite you to share in this opportunity and privilege – as all members promised to do when they made their vows before God.  We hope you will take this opportunity to reflect on what is a realistic amount for you to give on a regular basis to support God’s work through the church – considering your own particular situation, and the needs of the church.  And remember, the church receives no outside funding except from the giving of our members.

  • The most effective way of giving is by Standing Order on a regular basis. If you haven’t previously taken out a Standing Order for your giving to the church, and you use online banking, you can do this immediately on your app.


Name of Account         West Gordon Parish Church of Scotland

Sort Code                     83-15-14 (Royal Bank of Scotland)

Account Number         00100043


  • Existing Standing Orders from Howe Trinity members will continue to be valid for West Gordon. Members of Cushnie & Tough, Upper Donside, and Noth who currently give by Standing Order have been approached on this matter.
  • Some members prefer to give through Weekly Envelopes.  (Old envelopes for the four congregations are still valid.)
  • For some members it will be more convenient to make an annual payment by cheque, made payable to “West Gordon Parish Church of Scotland”, or an annual payment online.
  • If you are a UK tax payer, then the church can reclaim the tax paid on any donation you make through the Gift Aid scheme.
  • Whatever method of giving to the church you use, if you have not reviewed your giving for some time, you are encouraged to do so now.